Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why The Caged Bird Sings

Some people are just meant to do something.  They don't choose it, it chooses them, and no matter how they try choosing something else, it keeps coming back and stares them right in the eye as if to say "Seriously now.... isn't it about time?" 

I have tried choosing many things, tried on many hats and never seem to find the right fit.  I always envied my friends who seemed to crawl out of the womb knowing what they were meant to do with their lives.  It was so easy for them, they simply walked into their life's calling as one would walk through a revolving door.  I can hardly choose what to wear or what to eat, let alone what I am to do with my life.

Call me indecisive, call me noncommittal... I know I've got more variety on my resume than your local diner.  But I think I'm finally beginning to understand why that is.  I've been running from the Thing that chose me a long time ago (as though I had any choice at all).  I've been running because I know that to surrender to this Thing, will require much of me and I fear that I have not much to give. 

Fear is the enemy that trapped me and has kept me caged, constantly fluttering my wings with no chance of flying.  So finally out of pure exhaustion, I will submit to the choosing and I will sing.  I will not worry of the substance of the song, the melody and lyrics will be provided if only I open my ears to the Songwriter.  And in faith those fears that cage me in will submit as well.  The cage that bars me in will disappear,  the restlessness of my soul will cease and I will fly.  That is the hope anyway and that's why I've started this blog.  Because, well.... I have to.  I don't think I have a choice any longer... It's about time.